Urban Agriculture Collective Amsterdam
In the summer of 2019, Urban Agriculture Netherlands, Food Council MRA, Stichting Noordoogst and Stichting Eetbaar Amsterdam took the initiative to set up an interest group for urban agriculture in Amsterdam. Food Council MRA has been making efforts since its inception in 2017 to strengthen the position of urban agriculture in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area by building personal networks and promoting scientific studies. Urban agriculture is a means of promoting short chains between producers and consumers of sustainable food. The Food Council acts from the conviction that such an umbrella organization can only operate successfully if it is supported by stakeholders, i.e. practicing urban farmers and urban gardeners. Watch the presentation 'Green Heroes' to learn more about Urban Agriculture in Amsterdam.
This initiative was launched in the summer of 2020 under the (provisional) name Cooperation Urban Agriculture Amsterdam (SSLA). In 2021 an exploration will take place into the wishes with regard to the substantive wishes and the legal form of an umbrella organization. The initiators believe that such an organization can provide good services in matters such as advocating the interests of urban agriculture with the municipality, exchanging experiences, making relevant knowledge available, facilitating technical matters and fundraising. In the experience of the same initiators, this support is an absolute necessity in view of the obstacles to acquiring land, obtaining certainty about the duration of the use of land and a reasonable price, facilities for rainwater harvesting, permits for the sale of products, etc.
Urban agriculture can contribute to the food transition; in particular the availability of local, healthy and affordable food from the city and the surrounding area. It gives Amsterdammers access to affordable, fresh food of which the user knows the origin. It can also contribute to employment, rainwater retention, cooling the city, bringing neighbors into contact with each other, biodiversity, care for a healthy soil, mental and physical health, education, retail and catering.
The Food Council MRA sees three main tasks for a newly to be established organization Cooperation Urban Agriculture Amsterdam (SSLA): 1. representing the interests of persons and organizations in urban agriculture, 2. acting as a point of contact, and 3. creating favorable preconditions for urban agriculture in Amsterdam.
The SSLA must become a mouthpiece and advocate with a democratic structure. It is important to create guarantees for an independent position of the organization so that it can adequately represent the interests of its members and of urban agriculture as a promising form of food production in and for the city.
Contact person: Arnold van der Valk, tel. 0627159287