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CO 2 compensation fund
Fair Food Fund Amsterdam
Food Council MRA is working with the True Animal Protein Coalition (TAPPC) to set up a fund for fair food prices in Amsterdam. With the help of the fund, residents, supermarkets, restaurants and caterers can ensure that the meat and dairy products they use are made in a climate neutral way. This means that all costs resulting from damage to soil, water and atmosphere are fully charged to the consumer. This is currently pending legal regulation. The FFFA was set up as a contribution to the protein transition, which is highly valued by the municipality, the province and the national government to eliminate the negative consequences of the current food system on climate change and biodiversity.

Schermafbeelding 2020-12-16 om 12.53.46.

Schermafbeelding 2020-12-16 om 12.53.46.
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