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Image by Justus Menke


The food system is made up of many interrelated elements. If you change something, for example, the larger-scale production of agricultural products, this affects every nook and cranny of the system, such as soil fertility, nutritional value, jobs, water use, etc. That is comparable to changing a row or column in Rubic's Cube.



Food issues never stand alone, but always form part of a system. One of our founding fathers, Wayne Roberts, uses the Rubic cube as a metaphor to indicate the complexity of the food system. Rotating a plane immediately changes all other positions of all those other planes. Working on solutions therefore requires coordination and collaboration with and between all those other positions.  


The Food Council MRA connects and supports citizens, governments and entrepreneurs in setting up and implementing the following projects

Image by ilja Freiberg
Image by Prado
School of Food
Image by Naseem Buras
De Nieuwe Markt
Juigend publiek
Community Garden
Image by Mark Fletcher-Brown
Food Fund
Openbare Werkruimte
Food Desk
Schermafbeelding 2020-12-16 om 12.53.46.
Fair Food Fund

A contribution to the restructuring of Amsterdam's street markets

Working on workspace for knowledge sharing, co-creation and collaboration between food organizations in Amsterdam.

A regional knowledge and data platform that provides bottom-up innovation in the food system.

An independent area fund with a thematic focus of, for and by the region.

Working on an alternative supermarket that is large by bringing together many small entrepreneurs. 

Farmers in the city. Strengthening knowledge and initiatives in the city.

Commons are communities that manage a common good without dependence on the government or the market.

Food Council MRA is working with the True Animal Protein Coalition (TAPPC) to set up an Amsterdam fund for fair food prices. 

Kiss the ground
Grachtengordel 2010_edited_edited.jpg

Kiss the Ground is a series of meetings organized by Slow Food Amsterdam in collaboration with Food Council MRA about healthy soils.

The Amsterdam Network for Food Planning is an interdisciplinary and inter-institutional platform for students, young professionals, scholars and citizens who are interested in the future of food in Amsterdam.

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